Juno® Residential Recessed Fixtures Discontinuation Notice
October 7, 2020
The demand for legacy Juno Residential Recessed housings and trims using traditional sources has declined due to the market largely migrating to LED technology. As a result, various Juno Residential Recessed housings and trims with lower volume will be discontinued.
The J6RLE product series will be discontinued due to low demand. As an alternative, the 6RLA or 6G1 adjustable series offers a more updated aesthetic with a gimbal design for adjustable retrofit applications.
In addition, many of the LED step lighting families, will also be discontinued. The step lighting category will not be one of the core categories for strategic focus for the Juno Recessed brand moving forward. The popular ICTC113 step light series will still be available in the product offering and provides a good option for indoor step lighting applications.
Effective with this notice, the fixtures listed below will be officially discontinued on 10/30/2020. Orders will be accepted until the material is no longer available to manufacture the products or stock inventory is depleted. System validation will be updated accordingly.
Specific products to be discontinued are listed below:
TC926, TC928: Non-IC 6” Slope Ceiling New Construction
TC44 V: 277V Non-IC 4” Low Voltage New Construction (this SKU discontinued only)
TC18, TC19 Series: Non-IC 3” Mini Downlight Housing/Trim Kit
APT1, APT2, APT44: Legacy City of Chicago Environmental Air (CCEA) Housings
Various Legacy Trims: 11 WH, 18 SC, 19 WH, Low Voltage Deco Series (4401, 4402, 4403, 4404, 4450, 4480 and 4481), Line Voltage Deco Series (4102, 4150, 4180). The following Line Voltage Deco trims will remain in the product offering at this time with limited options: 4101, 4103, 4104, and 4181.
J6RLE Series: 6” Adjustable Eyeball LED Retrofit
LED Step Lights: LMS (previously communicated), 838LED, IC113LED, IC115LED (housing + power module)
CFL Step Lights: ICPL813, PL115
Step Light Trim Series: 835, 836, 837
A cross-reference for many of these products has been provided to suggest fixtures to consider as an alternative to the discontinued products and can be referenced here.
Darcie Callison
Director, Product Market – Residential Recessed Downlights