New, Improved IOTA® Website Coming July 20th!
The new IOTA website will be unveiled on July 20th, featuring significant improvements in navigation, document access, and browsing platform responsiveness!
The new IOTA website will be unveiled on July 20th, featuring significant improvements in navigation, document access, and browsing platform responsiveness!
It’s official. The new, 2018 model of is here. Front-and-center quick links and visual product categories make it easier to find products and resources. Plus, you can quickly check out “what’s new.” Take a cruise on the new site today. <<Click Here>>
Finding Juno Trac products is now easier than ever! When visiting the Juno brand site at, you will find Juno Trac categories divided into separate searchable sections – Trac System, Trac Fixtures, Decorative Pendants and Sign and Picture Lights. The Track Systems journey was optimized to provide the capability of selecting a desired system…
Low-Profile, Reliable Performance, Low Cost The remote capable CICodes for the new EU2L Emergency Light and ECC Combo will begin auto-converting today Monday, June 18, 2018. The new ERE single and twin LED remote lamps are ideal for indoor and outdoor applications and are compatible with the new EU2L Emergency Light and ECC Combo (when ordered…
Over the past couple of weeks there have been several improvements to the website. The largest change comes with the launch of the new product details web page which features a single page layout designed to help find information faster by reducing the number of clicks. With the new design, we have also introduced some…
As announced in our last communication, we’ve spent the last couple weeks transitioning into our new work streams, hiring additional resources and updating our project plans. We’ve added 5 new resources. We have 2-3 additional resources to recruit. Additionally, we have recruited a new VP, Web Marketing & Development who will start January 3rd. While…
With our focus on improving the user experience, continuing to migrate brand sites from PIM, supporting key business objectives and preparing our infrastructure for future upgrades, this past month has been a busy one for the team. In addition to the accomplishments outlined below, we have also evaluated our work streams and made several changes…
From decreasing the size of our backlog to pushing forward with website improvements and brand migrations, we have made significant progress since our last update.
Peerless has launched, and we are continuing to make enormous progress toward accomplishing our website goals!
It’s time for a biweekly update on the various Acuity Brands website projects, and we’re pleased to report that our web team is continuing to make significant improvements and accomplishments.
Over the past two weeks, the website team has been working diligently on many top-priority website projects, such as continuous deployment, search and migrating the architectural websites. Below is an update on these projects and more.
In this week’s update on the status of the Acuity Brands website project, we’ll be discussing recent improvements and known defects, as well as updates on how the team is managed and the overall web migration project.
Experience the new and improved Winona Lighting website with a short – 4 min. – video tour.
In case you missed the big news, Winona Lighting was integrated into agile as of March 23. On the same agile go-live date, Winona also launched its new website on the platform. We are still working through some growing pains, primarily related to product data and coding for agile integration. Thanks for your patience as we continue to improve. is the first of Acuity Brands’ many websites to get an upgrade… and this is just the beginning!