Upgrade Your Downlighting with LBR and LDN

Upgrade Your Downlighting with LBR and LDN

Both the Lithonia Lighting® LBR and LDN families are designed to deliver the best value by offering a versatile range of sizes and shapes, switchable CCTs and lumens, dimming options and integrated controls. With new compact frames, additional emergency battery options and installation accessories, LBR and LDN gives you flexibility and easier installation for all…

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CLX is now even better with two embedded nLight® AIR options

Want to share this product announcement? Copy this Insights article link: https://insights.acuitybrands.com/blog-product-updates/clx-is-now-even-better-with-two-embedded-nlight-air-options-2 The ideal solution for industrial, retail, warehousing and task lighting applications. The Lithonia Lighting® CLX strip light now has two options for nLight® AIR fixture-embedded devices – rES7 and rIOs. What does that get you? Customers can easily re-configure space and have the lighting adjusted…

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Status Update – D-Series Area LED Upgrade

On September 1, 2017,  we upgraded our flagship D-Series Area LED luminaires with next generation LEDs.   This upgrade increased the maximum lumen output, lowered the cost per lumen, and offered a higher efficacy solutions.  In order to allow for a smooth transition to the new LED and associated nomenclature, both the “new” and the “legacy”…

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RFD Developmental Fee Policy Change

We are excited to announce changes to the RFD Developmental Fee Policy.  Recently, the Architectural brands have waived RFD developmental fees.  Effective immediately, we will eliminate RFD developmental fees for Architectural, Commercial and Controls RFD projects where testing/certification is required. Although we want to say yes to every RFD opportunity and waive the developmental fees,…