
Indy™ Introduces DCS16N 3-Head Miniature Multiples

October 21, 2024 Indy Introduces DCS16N 3-Head Miniature Multiples Indy™ Designer Cove™ miniature multi-lamp LED fixtures offer exceptional energy & operational efficiencies. They feature a 3-head LED luminaires, each producing 1500 lumens, at efficacies up to 114 lumens per watt. They also feature a shallow profile — less than 5″ tall — and only 13-5/8″…

Gotham® Nomenclature Update Communication

Gotham® Nomenclature Update Communication

As of today, you will notice a small sequencing change in the Gotham® nomenclature that will affect the following series – EVO®, Incito™ and MYO™. No action is required; the change involves a simple positioning adjustment on a few ordering values on the nomenclature string. For example:   Current Sequencing New Sequencing Downlights EVO4 30/10…