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Act Now! The ALL and ALL Center Fill Ambient Series Dropped Target Prices!

  As Lithonia Lighting® looks to refresh the entire specification ambient portfolio, we’ll keep bringing you better news! The ALL and ALL CTRF (center fill) recessed ambient solutions are now available for 27% less, starting at a $115 target price! What should you know about the ALL series? ALL family has 2 product series: ALL…

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NEW Digital Commercial Indoor Guide Available

Lithonia Lighting® offers many great choices for recessed solutions, ceiling and wall mount wraparounds and even suspended linear applications. We know it can be overwhelming to pick the right fixture.  Good news, we’re here to help! The NEW Digital Commercial Indoor Guide helps you see side-by-side comparisons of features and options for flat panels, traditional lay-ins and wraparounds. DOWNLOAD HERE: Lithonia Lighting® Digital…

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ENVEX™ is Here! A Game Changer for Commercial Indoor Lighting.

          ENVEX makes taking care of multiple customer bases easier. The lighting industry is moving fast and there are more influencers in the game than ever. The beauty of ENVEX extends far beyond its smooth lines and calming aesthetic and into its ability to serve multiple customers in any application. What…