
New Gotham 2″ Downlights and Cylinders

Gotham is rolling out a massive amount of tiny round and square downlights with a variety of trim options for any ceiling aesthetic. Open, wallwash, adjustable and special application luminaires are available, as well as 32 new 2” EVO® and Incito™ round cylinders. The new products come with new nomenclature to match recent changes across…

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Flangeless Trims Now Available for EVO Lensed Wallwash!

In addition to having recently lowered the price of flangeless luminaires in Gotham, we have now released flangeless trims for EVO Lensed Wallwash.  Gotham EVO® and Incito™ luminaires continue to offer the most efficient, tailored distributions on the market. The two series combined enable all layers of light between the general illumination layers of EVO…