WHAT’S HAPPENING IN AUGUST? – Training and Education

LIGHTING CENTERS The Center for Light and Space will be providing a handful of comprehensive training programs this month. Please visit Acuity Academy’s course catalog page to register for programs. Des Plaines (Juno) August 16 – PR100 – Commercial and Industrial Lighting ACUITY ACADEMY eLearnings Designing Buildings for Daylight Harvesting ASHRAE 90.1 v2013 Lighting Related…

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NEW SBL LED and LBL LED – Configurable. Specifiable. Affordable.

The NEW SBL LED and updated LBL LED wraparounds from Lithonia Lighting provide multiple LED options for general-purpose ambient lighting. With a wide range of lumen packages, configurations and control options, these luminaires allow for a one-for-one replacement of an existing wrap without disrupting the look of your overall space.

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NEW SBL LED and Updated LBL LED Contractor Select Wraps by Lithonia

Familiar look updated with LED Without Breaking the Bank!

The Contractor Select SBLED and LBLED wraparounds from Lithonia Lighting present two affordable LED options for general-purpose ambient lighting. These two products provide a similar look to that of a fluorescent wrap with all the great benefits of LED that are priced for the budget-conscious. The SBLED and LBLED are ideal for closets, storage rooms, hallways and office spaces.

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Form and Function – Without Sacrifice – ALL Series by Lithonia

The luminous optical system of the ALL delivers visual interest while providing high fixture performance and even illumination. The expanded lumen packages provide greater flexibility for a variety of applications and tailored light levels. The new CTRF’s (Center Fill) center mounted LED source is shielded by the secondary refractor that creates a gradient along the luminaire aperture, accentuating the concave primary lens.