Peerless® Discontinuation Notice for Fluorescent Product Families

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With LED product pricing falling rapidly to meet or better fluorescent product pricing, and with many more benefits that come with digital lighting, Peerless® has made a strategic decision to focus almost solely on LED product and discontinue many fluorescent product families.  Please follow the link for the product discontinuation list.

If you have a project that requires one of the Peerless® fluorescent product families, please enter you order by 2/15/18. There is always an option to work with our custom architectural team on a project that needs a specific look we no longer carry. We will keep some stock of fluorescent components and may be able to satisfy fluorescent product orders after the discontinuation but would anticipate that lead-times and prices will increase significantly depending on the product family. For questions regarding availability, please contact your ATS representative.

We are excited to focus on LED products and look forward to developing new and innovative LED lighting solutions. As always, your continued support is greatly appreciated.

Peerless Discontinuation List

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