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RFD Developmental Fee Policy Change

We are excited to announce changes to the RFD Developmental Fee Policy.  Recently, the Architectural brands have waived RFD developmental fees.  Effective immediately, we will eliminate RFD developmental fees for Architectural, Commercial and Controls RFD projects where testing/certification is required.

Although we want to say yes to every RFD opportunity and waive the developmental fees, there will be some instances where it is not feasible.  We will work with you and your Quotations manager on those unique opportunities where developmental fees are required, and keep them to a minimum.

Additionally, we will waive the developmental fee on RFD approvals dated back to September 1, 2017.  For questions regarding existing RFD approvals and waivers, please contact your Quotations manager.

Look for additional improvements to the overall Request for Definition process in the coming weeks as we continue to look for ways to be easier to do business with!

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