Downlighting Metal Halide Fixture Discontinuation

Over the course of the past 24 months, Gotham and Lithonia have observed a steady decline in HID-sourced demand for downlighting luminaires while demand for LED-sourced products continues to rise. Accordingly, we have discontinued products during this time period. Below are the products that have been previously discontinued.


In light of declining demand and more stringent Energy Independence & Security Act (EISA) regulations, effective immediately, the remaining HID downlighting products will no longer be offered. We recommend transitioning to Gotham Incito or EVO downlights or Lithonia LDN. The list below details the products for which metal halide will be discontinued.


The fixtures above are no longer available for order, as EISA standards require all orders to be shipped by February 10, 2017. Should you have any questions please contact Technical Support at TechSupport-DownlightingLamp& or by calling 800-315-4982.


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