Special Employee Acuity Academy FAQ
Acuity Academy FAQ
What is Acuity Academy?
Acuity Academy is our new learning management system built exclusively for individuals (both employees and customers) wanting to expand their lighting and controls knowledge straight from their desk.
What types of content is available?
Enrollment for Instructor-Led Trainings (Center for Light & Space), eLearnings, Training Videos, Live and Recorded Webinars.
Why Acuity Academy?
Acuity Academy is a single system that houses all of Acuity Brands technical training resources. It allows us to deliver, track, manager and report on all training activities.
Who can access Acuity Academy?
Everyone! Employees have automatically been signed up via SSO. Everyone else (agents included) must register and then can access Acuity Academy.
How do my customers access Acuity Academy?
Go to acuitybrands.com, scroll down to the footer and click “TRAINING”. Now your customers can register or login. We are also going to be updating the Training & Education webpage with a link to Acuity Academy.
Can we bulk upload users?
No, unfortunately we cannot. Why? There are a few legal statements that must be acknowledge by the individual when the sign up.
If everyone can access Acuity Academy, why are you posting internal information?
We tailor the content that people see. Employees can see all content, Agents can only see “agent tagged content”, distributors can only see “distributor tagged content”, etc. We are doing this, one, for security and two, to provide a more tailored experience to our customers.
Can you run reports in Acuity Academy?
Yes, we can run many different types of reports, please reach out to us to set up time to talk more about this.
When can someone access Acuity Academy?
Acuity Academy is a web based program. It is available 24/7/365.
Is there any supporting documentation?
- In case you missed it, the webinar we did this month about Training & Education updates – https://acuitybrands.box.com/v/trainingwebinarFY17
- Sales Dept Standard Work for using Acuity Academy – https://app.box.com/s/1cnvk0neoaaor7lonbl2ji20slrh7jsj
- Employee FAQ – https://app.box.com/s/nw7rwq3qvgfqlki2yt3e167s4u22jot8
Who can I contact with questions or comments?
Please reach out to learning@acuitybrands.com
One last thing, Acuity Academy is a work in progress, we are constantly going to be updating and adjusting according to feedback. Please help us make Acuity Academy better and pass long any information you hear in the field.