Remember: Winona Products Are Now on Agile and Winscape Products Now In The Hydrel Division
Great news! Winona products are now integrated into Acuity systems. This allows you to consolidate your Winona lines on the same agile quotes and orders as the other Acuity lines on a job. In order to accomplish this transition, new nomenclature along with new pricing and commissioning rules have been created. You can find updated spec sheets and photometry online at A series cross-over matrix is available here. For a list of who to call, please refer to the Agents tab on
The Winscape product line has now been transferred to the Hydrel division and spec sheets showing the new nomenclature can be found on Winscape product will now validate in agile under the Hydrel division, RFD requests and quotation requests should go through your regular agile channels. Customer care will be handled by your regional teams. You can click here for a cross-over guide.
Winona custom product and Winona modified product requests will now be processed through the agile RFD tool. The RFD form has been updated with a Detailed Description field which will be used by the Winona team to describe the custom product. This new field has also been added to agile Quote and will auto populate upon RFD approval and print on the quote printout (add it to your layout to see it on the Quote grid). The Acuity Quotations Department (AQD) will price all Winona RFD’s.
As previously communicated, requests for quotation and pricing support for Winona product are to be directed to your Acuity Quotation Manager.
With this go-live in agile, Winona product may now be added to an agile project quotation or to a Quick Quote for submission to your Acuity Quotation Manager. [Note that product that has been added to an agile quote as a Non-ABL line must be updated to the new nomenclature, and the Mfg / Division must be changed to ABL / Winona prior to submission to your Acuity Quotation Manager, and if available, a copy of the original Winona quote should be attached to the agile quote under the Documents tab prior to submission to your Acuity Quotation Manager.]
Pricing on previously approved quotations for standard Winona product issued prior to this agile transition will be valid for 30 days unless otherwise approved and noted by your Acuity Quotation Manager. Pricing for custom Winona products issued prior to this agile transition will be valid for 60 days from the date quoted.
After go-live, however, revisions to existing quotations for standard Winona product should be updated to reflect new nomenclature and be resubmitted for review and approval. Revision requests to existing quotations for modified/custom product will need to go through the RFD process before a quote will be issued.
Printed price sheets issued prior to March 23, 2015 will be null and void and questions related to this point should be directed to your Acuity Quotation Manager.
Winona orders can be combined with other Acuity product or just Winona product. Either way the Winona product will still ship direct from the Winona facility. In addition to being able to use agile to place an order for Winona & Winscape/Hydrel product, you will also have the capabilities of order visibility, order status, and tracking information.
Existing orders with production dates up to April 20th will be processed in Winona’s legacy system. Existing orders with production dates beyond April 20th will be manually entered by Customer Care into Acuity systems. Customer Care will inform you of the orders entered so you can cancel the original order in agile or your non-Acuity system.
On March 23rd, all new Winona orders should be entered into agile OM or converted from agile Quote using the new nomenclature. Please remember to use the ABL Winona division on these quotes and orders. If linear drawings are required, you can request these using the “Winona Linear Submittals Required” standard instruction. This will prevent the Winona linear lines on the order from activating until drawing are approved. Also on March 23rd, all new Winscape order lines should be entered in agile under the Hydrel brand using the new nomenclature. Hold for release orders will no longer be accepted for Winona or Winscape/Hydrel products.
In order to provide a single contact solution, please use your regional Customer Care contact for all questions, expedites, returns, and order status for orders including the Winona & Winscape/Hydrel lines. A Winona Customer Care expert is assigned to each Team and will be a dedicated resource to your region.
Post Sales
The process for submitting claims for defective product will be handled through the agile Claims Request application. This tool will allow you to enter claim requests against non-agile Winona orders entered prior to March 23rd as well as orders entered into agile. In addition, the Winona Post Sales team will be responsible for managing your claim requests for products ordered prior to go-live in addition to orders entered into agile. Winscape/Hydrel orders entered as the Hydrel division will be handled by the Hydrel Post Sales team.